Eizel’s First Cover
In an effort to not break my second law—thou shalt not announce plans since plans always change—I will only say that this cover will likely never be used. As such, I’m willing to show it off despite needing to fix the building on the left.
I’ll reveal my Dungeon Runner plans “sometime in the future.” Until then, the Dungeon Runner episodes will remain available on Amazon for $0.99 each (or free until Amazon realizes the books aren’t listed anywhere else anymore).
This was the first cover I designed using AI-generated assets. I used five different images, and I absolutely love the end result. Unfortunately, I may only have room for one of these covers, and her second cover, IMO, is better.
You’ll have to wait and see. ;)
I designed these covers at the start of December. So I’ve been very good at keeping them secret. This cover is actually what pushed me to redesign the main covers. The old covers just didn’t match my vision or quality.
Enjoy! :)
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